Чебышев Николай Васильевич
Область научных интересов:

Доктор медицинских наук, академик РАО, заслуженный профессор ММА

преподавание биологии и медицины в высшей школе
It contains scientific facts about parasitism as a phenomenon, parasitic protozoa, helminths and arthropods — precursors of the most common human diseases.
The textbook provides information about morphology, physiology, biology, development and ecology of parasites, their relationship with hosts. It also gives consideration to various ways of transmission and distribution of parasitic diseases, as well as modern methods of laboratory diagnostics and infections’ prevention.
All sections of the manual have a plenty of illustrations: diagrams, tables, drawings and photographs of the parasites under study. At the end of each chapter you can find control questions for self-testing.
The publication is intended for foreign medical students, and teachers of biological profile. It may also be useful for attending physicians, postgraduates and doctors, interested in current issues and problems of parasitic diseases and modern methods of fighting them